Fiche cheval beauty crescent

- R2C10

plathandicap 63525sha tin (hong kong)1400M217043bochk boc pay handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:15
19silvery breezeH4Inéditteetan k.70/101:21
23beauty crescentH43p7p7p2p2pavdulla b.16/1
Il va tenter de confirmer ses récents progrès sur ce tracé.
31johannes brahmsH3Inéditpurton z.9.3/1
42gracious expressH43p4p3p2p1pbowman h.4.7/1
Il est très régulier et devrait encore lutter pour le podium.
514magnificent nineH54p9p3p4p6pbadel a.9.4/1
Il n'a toujours pas gagné à Hong Kong, mais a de belles références à ce niveau.
4king milesH46p7p1p1p2pho c.y.6/1
Il s'est imposé à trois reprises la saison passé, dont deux fois sur ce tracé.
5find my loveH57p9p6p0p0pferraris l.66/1
6master mastermindH41p1p4p4p2pmcdonald j.2.7/1
Il progresse à grands pas et monte de catégorie avec de légitimes ambitions.
7never too soonH77p5p7p8p2pwong p.n.38/1
Il a peu de marge de manoeuvre à ce niveau, mais peut tout de même se placer.
8hyper dragon ballH70p6p0p(23)0pthompson b.210/1
10fantastic funH49p4pyeung m.l.17/1
11tale of perthH50ppoon m.f.207/1
12thunder blinkM30p0p1p1pchau c.l.113/1
13giddy upH56p0p4p7p7phamelin a.18/1
Il devrait être bien plus affûté que lors de sa course de rentrée.

- R2C6

plathandicap 6348sha tin (hong kong)1400M217043fwd insurance ncb handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:25
13top gunH4Inéditteetan k.6.45/101:22
210second to noneH51p4p3p1phewitson l.4.8/1encolure
314lost childH50p9p7p3pthompson b.34/1encolure
48beauty fitH81p3p0p6p6phamelin a.13/1encolure
513sunlight powerH51p1p2p(23)5pbentley h.4.15/11 l
611ka ying victoryH43p8p(23)8p1ppurton z.4.05/11/2 l
77northern beachesH54p4p3p0p7plane d.18/11 l 1/4
81beauty crescentH40p5p5p2pbowman h.14/1encolure
912principledH3Inéditchadwick m.167/1encolure
104turin starspangledH30patzeni a.245/11 l
112rocket spadeH79p9p(23)2p2pshinn b.21/11 l
125hyper dragon ballH7(23)0p6p0p3pchau c.l.36/1encolure
136harmony galaxyH4Inéditmcdonald j.40/1encolure
149oriental smokeH73p9p0p1p6pmorris l.46/15 l 1/2

- R2C7

platcourse a conditions 8231sha tin (hong kong)2000M3033940the bmw hong kong derby 202414 partantsdépart à 08:15
17massive sovereignH41ppurton z./101:59
21galaxy patchH52p5p2p1pshinn b./1encolure
311ka ying generationH40p1p7p8p9patzeni a./1encolure
44chill chibiH57p(23)3p1p1pchau c.l./12 l 1/2
510unbelievableM48p0pbentley h./11 l 1/4
66chancheng gloryH42p6p4p(23)1pbuick w./1encolure
79speed dragonH59p4p5p(23)1phewitson l./1cte tete
82helios expressH51p1p1p(23)3pbowman h./1cte tete
93helene feelingH46p2p3p(23)1pmcdonald j./1nez
1014star macH54p3p3p7pteetan k./14 l 1/2
1112ellipticalH50p0p9p9pavdulla b./16 l 1/2
125ensuedH43p2p(23)1p8pmoore r./13/4 l
1313simple hedgeH52p6p2p2phamelin a./12 l 1/2
148beauty crescentH45p5p2p(23)2pbadel a./13 l

- R2C7

platcourse a conditions 9319sha tin (hong kong)1800M1516970the hong kong classic cup14 partantsdépart à 08:05
11helios expressH51p1p(23)3p1pbowman h./101:47
28chancheng gloryH46p4p(23)1p1pde melo k./1cte tete
34ensuedH42p(23)1p8p1pmoore r./12 l 1/2
414star macH53p3p7p(23)3pteetan k./13/4 l
55beauty crescentH45p2p(23)2p3pbadel a./1cte tete
62helene feelingH42p3p(23)1p4ppurton z./1encolure
73chill chibiH5(23)3p1p1p1pchau c.l./1cte tete
87unbelievableM40pleung k.c./13/4 l
96speed dragonH54p5p(23)1p0pbarzalona m./13/4 l
1012fallonH47p1p(23)1p0pyeung m.l./1nez
1110ellipticalH50p9p9p(23)8pshinn b./13/4 l
1213simply maverickH52p1p1p(23)3plane d./1encolure
1311ka ying generationH41p7p8p9patzeni a./1cte tete
149awesome flukeH56p0p(23)9p4ph bentley/13/4 l

- R2C7

plathandicap 10767sha tin (hong kong)1600M1516970the hong kong classic mile9 partantsdépart à 08:05
11helios expressH51p(23)3p1p1pbowman h.1.3/101:34
23helene feelingH43p(23)1p4p8ppurton z.8.35/11 l 3/4
39star macH53p7p(23)3p0pteetan k.46/1encolure
47speed dragonH55p(23)1p0p5pbarzalona m.22/11/2 l
55beauty crescentH42p(23)2p3p6patzeni a.24/1encolure
66chancheng gloryH44p(23)1p1p1phewitson l.18/1encolure
78fallonH41p(23)1p0p0pyeung m.l.11/11 l 1/2
82howdeepisyourloveH56p3p(23)3p4pmcdonald j.14/11 l 1/4
94moments in timeH52p(23)5p9p8pbadel a.52/1cte tete

- R3C10

plathandicap 14072sha tin (hong kong)1200M217527chevalier construction handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:50
110i giveH51p1p1p1p3patzeni a.3.05/101:08
25cotton fingersH56p2pchadwick m.9.85/1tete
34global harmonyH51p2p2p0p2pteetan k.10/13/4 l
47toronado phantomH54p3p3p8p0pbadel a.13/1encolure
59lady's choiceH42p2p1p1p5ppurton z.4.75/11 l
61beauty crescentH33p2p8p3p0pmcdonald j.7.25/1cte tete
73wings of warH47p9p3p3p8pavdulla b.30/11/2 l
811swift ascendH46p7pde melo k.35/1tete
96good buddyH60p4p9p7p3pferraris l.10/1cte tete
108happy dailyH68p9p0p2p4phamelin a.72/11 l 1/4
112golden empireH54p4p1p0p9phewitson l.11/13/4 l
1212up and upH40p0p7p8p4pyeung m.l.124/12 l

- R2C9

plathandicap 15255sha tin (hong kong)1200M217527la estephe handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:15
15global harmonyH52p2p0p2pteetan k.6.25/101:09
210lady's choiceH42p1p1p5p2ppurton z.4.5/1encolure
31beauty crescentH32p8p3p0p7pchung y.l.5.55/13/4 l
44golden empireH54p1p0p9p8phewitson l.18/1cte tete
512greenwichH43p5p2p1p4pbadel a.3.25/11/2 l
66swift ascendH47pde melo k.15/12 l
79compassion spiritH78p2p6p2p6pyeung m.l.74/1tete
87northern beachesH42p0p3p3p9pchadwick m.7.85/11 l
92solid impactH60p6p0p2p6pavdulla b.53/1tete
103armour eagleH64p3p2p5p4phamelin a.21/12 l 1/2
118beer palaceH5Inéditatzeni a.108/11/2 l
1211master strokeH5Inéditpoon m f177/12 l

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